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Sunday, April 30, 2006

FeMale Arisan 4th Round

Its an 99.5 FM FeMale radio off air program. Add friends, add knowledge, add more fun while doing monthly gathering with your "Arisan" group. Meet some Female's crew personally would be love...

Friday, March 17, 2006

Let Us Begin.

Ummh ... well I dont know where to start. Let see, I may not a good writer but I love to take pictures. Ok first let me introduce you to Ing Wening, my younger daughter. I love her very much, off course also her sister Aning & her mother, my beloved wife, Bunda. Why Wening's picture? Well this page is my first page in blog and people start their ritual with their loved one mostly. Hopefully Wening represent what Allah gift to us, a very beautiful...