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Wednesday, August 29, 2007

It's time to invest in human

Tuesday, 28 August 2007Jakarta (Warta Kota : (28/08/07) Non profit organization Sampoerna Foundation (SF) which is focusing on education, vows to continue improving education quality in Indonesia. Its new Chief Executive Officer, Lin Che Wei, said that the foundation will focus on improving teachers’ quality in Jakarta within five years. “People used to invest in money. Now we are investing in human,” said Lin Che Wei at the Sampoerna Strategic...

Thursday, August 23, 2007

ILP campaign assignment

Haha this is my wife campaign for us while she do assignment for ILP course.Nice ya. Love u honey...

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

SF Annual Gathering 2007 essay by Deri

July 22, 2007SFAG 2007 Part 2 -- Pelajaran dari anak-anak SDN Pasir BagadeKuat mana anak2 SDN Pasir Bagade yang mungkin berusia 8 - 10 tahun dengan mahasiswa2 SF yang sudah kuliah S1 / S2? Saya tidak berani menjawab.Kenapa? Karena ketika kami mengangkat batu bata, setiap orang kurang lebih menangkat 2 - 5 tergantung kekuatan masing-masing. Kami (terutama para cewe. Yang cowo angkat tanah) sangat semangat bekerja membawa batu bata tersebut untuk dibawa ke tempat penumpukan / lokasi paving.Tampaknya anak2 SDN Pasir Bagade yang sudah selesai sekolah...

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Soft Launching SSS

Office property beings to sparkleBusiness and Investment - July 24, 2007The Jakarta Post, JakartaThe office property sector in Jakarta is set for high growth as a number of new towers come on stream by the end of 2009, a property consultant says."Twenty-seven new office buildings, providing some one million square meters of space, are under construction this year, and are expected to be completed by 2009," Anton Sitorus, head of research for property...