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Thursday, November 06, 2008

Geliat Telkom

Luncurkan Promo Poin Reward Bertajuk “Telepon Rumah Rezeki Tumpah”Jakarta, 05 Nopember 2008 – Untuk meningkatkan penggunaan telepon sambungan tetap/telepon kabel, PT. Telekomunikasi Indonesia Tbk, meluncurkan program promo Poin Reward Telepon Kabel bertajuk “Telepon Rumah Rezeki Tumpah”. Program promo ini berlaku mulai 1 Nopember 2008.Direktur Konsumer Telkom I Nyoman G. Wiryanata mengatakan Program Poin Reward selain untuk meningkatkan penggunaan...

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

ini baru Zona 80 yang ku ingat

Got to see this edition guys. Its the 80s I remember. On Air at Metro TV, Sunday, Sept. 28 2008 at 22.00 WIBThis one On Air at Metro TV, Sunday, Oct. 5 2008 at 22.00 ...

Thursday, September 18, 2008

The Art of Philanthropy

I have always been passionate about things in life-education for the poor and promoting local Indonesia artists. Being involved in numerous social and charitable activities for some time, I have seen how Indonesia came from being an education leader in this region, to the current dire situation it is in today. We are now sadly lagging in terms of our children’s literacy levels and proficiency in basic subjects compared to our more illustrious and...

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Finally, The Book Launched:)

On air at Bistro Delifrance at FX with Farhan in Deltanesia, finally Ida Arimurti lauch her book, Renungan Ida Arimurti. Some friends are coming to talk on air. Congratulation ya mba. Thanks to make me part of it. Renungan Ida Arimurti merupakan tajuk acara yang disiarkan melalui stasiun Delta FM yang dibawakan sendiri oleh IdaArimurti setiap pukul 16.00 - 20.00 WIB. Sejatinya Ida akan membacakan setiap artikel yang menggugah, yang mendorong pendengarnya...

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Swiss Contact in CSR Exhibition at JHCC Next Week

Pure hearts will heal Indonesia. Swiss Contact CSR Exhi...

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Reuni Unpar

Inget "Makel Unpar" jaman 90 an ga? Iya jaman kita hehe (ketawan d tua nya). Persis seperti malam ini. Cuman Lydia sama Sofie masih nonton di bawah, belum mc di panggung :) Btw Sipil 90 cuman ketemu satu orang hihi, Angkatan terbesar dijamannya terwakili oleh diriku dan Gandhi hihi. Tapi Alhmdulillah ternyata yang kukenal banyak yang hadir juga. Guys miss the old times:)Visit the album h...

zona 80

Metro TV menampilkan sebuah program musikal mingguan, Zona 80, yang akan memenuhi kerinduan para peminat musik di era 80-an. Zona 80 menampilkan lagu-lagu, musik dan para musisi tahun 80-an yang disajikan dalam bentuk penampilan band tahun 80-an ataupun penyanyi solo di era tersebut, diantaranya 2D, Vina Panduwinata, Atiek CB, Ikang Fauzi, Trio Libels, Harvey Malaiholo, Indra Lesmana, 7 Bintang, Nicky Astria, Conny Constantia dan lain-lain. Dihadiri...

Thursday, June 26, 2008

UJE SacredWare

New line of Uje collection are out this month. The collection are exclusively made in Satin with nowadays embroidery. Since Ustad Jeffry still in contract with Itang Yunaz in "Preview" Moslem Ware line, so Ustad Sofwan, UJE's brother are choosen to be the next model. The collection now are available in UJE Center at Radio Dalam Street at South of Jakar...

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Recorded for Metro TV

ArchipelagoMinggu, 22 Juni 2008WARNA WARNI JAKARTA Jakarta memang tidak punya keindahan alam seperti daerah-daerah lainnya di Indonesia. Tapi itu bukan berarti tidak ada yang bisa dinikmati di Jakarta. Jakarta justru punya daya tarik yang beragam hasil kreativitas dari warganya yang sebagian besar para pendatang.Kota tua misalnya dibangun pada masa penjajahan Belanda. Hingga kini bangunanya masih berdiri dengan apik dan jadi obyek foto yang menarik.Daya...


Media Indonesia, Senin, 16 Juni 2008 18:13 WIBAlam Sutra Revisi Target Jika Bunga Bank NaikPenulis : Dwi TupaniJAKARTA--MI: Perusahaan properti, PT Alam Sutera Realty tbk (Alam Sutera) berencana merevisi target penjualan dan laba bersih jika suku bunga bank naik akibat tingginya inflasi. Saat ini target penjualan perseroan di 2008 mencapai Rp600 miliar, dengan laba bersih Rp100 miliar. "Hinga saat ini kami masih berusaha mencapai target penjualan...

Thursday, May 29, 2008

the celebration of Azerbaijan’s National Day

May 28 2008, Borobudur Hotel JakartaAzerbaijan’s Ambassador to Indonesia, Ibrahim Hajiyev (third left), together with State Minister for the Environment Rachmat Witoelar (second left), Russian Ambassador Alexander Ivanov and other ambasador share birthday cake cutting on the celebration of Azerbaijan’s National Day, on Wednesday at Hotel Borobudur, Jakarta. Know more about Azerbai...

CIMB - NIAGA Scholarship

PT Bank Niaga Tbk and CIMB Group offer Scholarship Program to continue undergraduate study in Malaysia. This program opens for public and has been socialized through public by CIMB-NIAGA Education Fair 24 – 25 May 2008 at Gran Melia Hotel.This program is corporated with Malaysian Universities as follows:1. Universitas Putra Malaysia (UPM), majoring in Business2. International Islamic University of Malaysia (IIUM), majoring in Business3. others will...

Monday, April 07, 2008


“Even though it has been almost 2 years since Yogyakarta was hit by an earthquake there is no reason to stop efforts to rehabilitate and upgrade the quality of education in that region. This year marks the 145th anniversary of Standard Chartered Bank entry into Indonesia, and we have a commitment to continue to develop our business in Indonesia. We also intend to continue to play the role of appropriate partner in assisting community life in our...

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Hi School Development: Early Indonesian re-birth

Alhamdulillah, Hopefully from these National High School Activities Development Indonesia will arise sooner.Nowadays Hi school has become more progresive in setting entrepreuner mind among students. Althought every district has various focus of interest, its local strength of Indonesia makes the action noble. Here's some of the school joined in United School Program.SMAN 10 Malang has Go Green implemented almost all around the school. They plant...

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Buntut Corner

Opening soon at Urban Kitchen - Pacific Place on March 1st 2008.Enjoy Indonesian traditional culinary specialized in "Buntut".12 various Buntut menu are served to enlight your day. Mmmh Yummy...

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

David Clarkson: Wins People Hearts

Notes From editors: The Tangguh Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) project is a significant development for the Republic of Indonesia and will play a crucial role in maintaining Indonesia's global leadership position in the LNG industry. The Tangguh gas fields contain 14.4 tcf of proved and certified natural gas reserves. The LNG processing plant will be able to produce 7.6 million tonnes of LNG per annum from two initial processing trains David Clarkson...