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Thursday, March 29, 2007


Innalillahi wa inna illaihi rojiun. Selamat jalan teman. Lagu-lagumu mengiringi sepanjang jalan hidupku. Mulai jaman mulai kenal musik, kenal cinta, kenal hura-hura, sampai sekarang, jamannya umur mengenal spiritual lebih dalam. "KETIKA TANGAN DAN KAKI BERKATA"-mu membuatku tersungkur. Sungguh. Dunia & Akhirat, Semoga Allah memberimu yang terba...

Turbulance Assignment

Three assignment this week in three different atmosphere. All provide by JDFI, Jaringan Delta FeMale Indonesia, a prime radio network in Indonesia. Their vision is to provide a real one stop service of radio network and its media suplements for communities and advertiser. Here's the turbulence experience I've been through for the past 4 days:P Jammin280307, 1600-2000 wib: a live broadcast Prambors 102.2fm with NAIF in Mucho Macho program. Darto Mucho...

Friday, March 23, 2007

JC from Rush Hour 95.1 KISFM

I met this guy while making canvas print. I admire his work. He combine several photos and make it like paintings. It remains me to our old friends, Ketna patel. He told me about his exhibition at Milenium Hotel & let me look his article on magazine. Nice person ya:)When I check his address on website, voala there He is, a radio presenter.His radio program is Rush Hour on 95.1 KIS FM, Tuesdays & Thursdays, 6 to 8 pm.Nice if u want to hear...

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Inspired by Nature, Perfected by Man

March 13, 2007FeMale New In Style kerjasama 99.5 FeMale Radio Jakarta dan Socialite Boutique kembali digelar di Japengo Restaurant, Jl. Hang Tuah Raya no 42, Kebayoran Baru - Jakarta Selatan, pukul 12.00 – 14.30 WIB. Acara yang diadakan pada hari Kamis, 15 Maret 2007, akan dipandu oleh Gery Putaatmaja ini, menampilkan koleksi-koleksi terbaru dari Socialite Boutique.FeMale New In Style kali ini menampilkan Jewelley Show dari Gordon Max dan Bag Show...

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Inspiring Other

Swiss Contact (SC) is moving to their New Office, launching on Friday March 02 2007. Know more about Swisscontact Indonesia through And here is a letter from Damantoro to Herlambang, sent on Tuesday, Feb 06 2007, which design inspire the launching event.Dear Pak DennyHerewith I give you brief explanation about my idea on lunching Event Theme.Inspiring other in creating opportunities, SC always tries to undertake effort which...