Three assignment this week in three different atmosphere. All provide by JDFI, Jaringan Delta FeMale Indonesia, a prime radio network in Indonesia. Their vision is to provide a real one stop service of radio network and its media suplements for communities and advertiser. Here's the turbulence experience I've been through for the past 4 days:
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280307, 1600-2000 wib: a live broadcast Prambors 102.2fm with NAIF in Mucho Macho program. Darto Mucho & Okky Macho, 2 gokil (madman I guest :) presenter and their producer Adid Rebel has brought their guess NAIF in a very "alive" situation. The communication between people in the stage and young audience has build in their own way. a Kawula Muda way. it remains me of somethin' that I feel a long time ago when Iwa K first perform in our campus, not every one understand his music those time. But he made his own fans. Gosh its been sooo loooong agoooo. Luckily I don't feel too old for this. As usual just get along. Enjoy.
For your reference about Darto, Okky & Adid in Mucho Macho I take some quot from "Pertemanan 3 orang pemuda ibukota ini mereka sebut Mucho Macho. Menurut mereka, mereka bisa dibilang sebagai sekelompok Gentleman Bastard yang mencoba mengerti kehidupan ibu kota yang sebenarnya. Mulai dari cara bicara, cara becanda, dll. 3 cowok ini memegang teguh slogan mereka: Iman, Ilmu, Amal, Metal. Maksudnya, sebagai seorang remaja ibu kota mereka adalah remaja yang beriman (walaupun yang segitunya amat), berilmu (biar gak keliatan bego-bego amat), dan pastinya harus beramal dengan cara mereka sendiri. Tetapi semua itu dijalanin dengan cara metal alias santai! Hehehehehe..."

290307, 1900-2200 wib: The Adventure of Arisan, a 99.5fm FeMale radio off-air monthly program. A bit different on Arisan Female today. This is their 13 edition. Gery & Pingkan act as a King & Queen today, with wow costume ofcourse. Element band as their Harta Karun, has to be found by audience, peserta Arisan. Yayasan Kebun Raya Indonesia has brought their plant collection to bring the jungle atmosphere at Lobby Lounge Bimasena - Darmawangsa Hotel. About Ten group of Arisan, mostly ladies are mix according pic-tag they get on reception desk.
A great way to add friends & network ya :)
ps: Finally taste the famous Sego Liwet from Dharmawangsa Hotel. Its the most expensive Sego Liwet I ever had (150rb/pax said V, one of the crew). Well its only USD 16.00.

310307, 1900-2200 wib: Delta Radio presents Hee Ah Lee Concert at Balai Kartini. a Pianist with Four Fingers. Baru sekali ini penonton penikmat konser menangis tertahan bareng-bareng di komposisi pertama Hee Ah Lee. Maha Suci Allah, Sang Maha Tak Terbatas. Dua jari di kiri, dua jari di kanan, dan panjang kaki berakhir di awal paha tak membatasi dia bermain layaknya pianis handal. These has been my inspiring moment: Manusia dijalan-Nya. Tak terbatas.
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